
Break Free!

We are control freaks by nature...No matter how much one denies...We are...We like to believe that we have some sense of hold over every aspect of our lives...Family, friends, career, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, kids...everything!!! We want to KNOW everything and stay within the confines of our COMFORT ZONE so that we FEEL we are in control. Ironically this need for control gets even more pronounced when one is provided with independence, choices, freedom...the works!!! Seems strange??? Think about it! While I am a stickler for discipline and   freedom with responsibility I sometimes can’t help but think why should a person know all the time where he’s headed for in life...why can’t for once he/she throw caution to the winds and go with the flow...while we may not always be presented with an opportunity to do so nor can we sometimes afford the risks that come along; we can however in some insignificant ways lose the sense of control, get out of our comfort zones and hand over our


Time really does fly I feel as I write this post. Feeling slightly nostalgic about the fun-filled days gone by, slightly gloomy about the fact that life at MET is approaching its end and a lot happy about all the people that we met here, the friends that we made, the memories that have been created and the experiences that we all had (good and bad both) I wonder how it seemed like just yesterday we were stepping into our new lives; the first day feeling and looking resplendent in our new formals, smiling shyly, hesitatingly making eye-contacts, feeling nervous yet looking confident, anticipation, anxiety, excitement, curiosity, myriad of emotions running through us and yet we trying to maintain our poise and composure... Then it was barely a month into our MBA programme that the same set of people we were smiling shyly at or hesitating to talk to slowly started becoming a part of our lives, the same formals we were proud to strut in during the induction slowly constricted us and some

New Year Resolutions...

January, the month of new beginnings, hopes, ambitions and the big R- RESOLUTIONS...Yes, this is the time when your mind runs into an overdrive trying to bring forth all the things that are put way back in the cobwebs of your mind; having left there half a month into the January of last year... It just amazes me how we just can’t pick up a more apt time to make resolutions...Resolutions are essentially meant to be broken they say... One shouldn’t care whether one follows them, you just need guts to make them year after year, kind of shows your optimism towards life... There is a set pattern to most of the resolutions so much so that they seem like the 10 commandments...But the humour in the situation is accentuated by the fact that the timing of each of these clichéd resolution is so bad that they ultimately have to meet their fate. 1)       The very common and fairly obvious resolution: Thou shall lose weight ... Well, geniuses who think they are even remotely going to succeed i


A six letter word that makes or breaks your life, changes it, makes it better or worse depending upon which side of the situation life has thrown you in. You may regret many things in life........... 1. Not having taken that dance class when you so desperately wanted to..... 2. Not having smiled at the friendly stranger who passed by you..... 3. Not having had that piece of the wonderful chocolate for fear of putting on a few extra calories.... 4. Not having the guts to stand up for something that was truly unjust.... 5. Having missed a friend’s birthday when all they wanted was simply your presence.... 6. Not having given a last chance to a fading relationship.... 7. Not having apologized to a friend due to an over-inflated ego and thus lost out on a wonderful friendship...... 8. Not taken a risk in life and just done what one’s heart truly wanted and not what the rational mind demanded...... 9. Not having had the courage to confess something at the right it your love or

Railway Olympics

Move over Beijing, here comes Mumbai!!! The recently concluded Beijing Olympics got so much hype that even people who are generally disinterested in sports were heard raving about Abhinav Bindra, Vijendar Kumar and company. However, what is even more interesting is that we Mumbaiites are at par or at times even better than some of the best Olympians in history. The only thing is that we have never realized this and hence have not thought of giving it an honor of an Olympics. So today after realizing this here’s a version of what a Railway Olympics in Mumbai would look like, if ever we have the fortune of having one. Please Note: 1) The categories have been tailored to suit the activities performed before, during and after one has boarded and alighted the train. 2) There are no bifurcations between Central, Harbor and Western lines made as we Mumbaiites believe in “United we stand, Divided we fall” philosophy which is true in the literal sense also considering the situations in which we

A 10 minutes journey to creativity

“Creativity”- the word itself conjured up motley images right before my eyes. Painters, writers, actors, dancers, musicians and the list goes on. For the record I do not or rather did not consider myself to be creative due to the precise reason that I did not fit into the above mentioned images. However, I got rid of my myth one fine day in an Integrated Marketing Communications lecture a.k.a Advertising. The lecture required us to prepare an advertising brief for two products and so the Professor before giving us the assignment asked if any of us did not consider ourselves to be creative. There I was amongst the first very few people to raise her hand. What happened in the next ten minutes has acted as some sort of an impetus for me to start writing a blog. The Professor gave us three random words Nail, pebbles and river and asked us to come up with a story using these. I don’t how, what or why but the minute he said that I put my pen to the book and couldn’t stop writing until he int