
Showing posts from January, 2009


Time really does fly I feel as I write this post. Feeling slightly nostalgic about the fun-filled days gone by, slightly gloomy about the fact that life at MET is approaching its end and a lot happy about all the people that we met here, the friends that we made, the memories that have been created and the experiences that we all had (good and bad both) I wonder how it seemed like just yesterday we were stepping into our new lives; the first day feeling and looking resplendent in our new formals, smiling shyly, hesitatingly making eye-contacts, feeling nervous yet looking confident, anticipation, anxiety, excitement, curiosity, myriad of emotions running through us and yet we trying to maintain our poise and composure... Then it was barely a month into our MBA programme that the same set of people we were smiling shyly at or hesitating to talk to slowly started becoming a part of our lives, the same formals we were proud to strut in during the induction slowly constricted us and some