
Time really does fly I feel as I write this post. Feeling slightly nostalgic about the fun-filled days gone by, slightly gloomy about the fact that life at MET is approaching its end and a lot happy about all the people that we met here, the friends that we made, the memories that have been created and the experiences that we all had (good and bad both) I wonder how it seemed like just yesterday we were stepping into our new lives; the first day feeling and looking resplendent in our new formals, smiling shyly, hesitatingly making eye-contacts, feeling nervous yet looking confident, anticipation, anxiety, excitement, curiosity, myriad of emotions running through us and yet we trying to maintain our poise and composure...

Then it was barely a month into our MBA programme that the same set of people we were smiling shyly at or hesitating to talk to slowly started becoming a part of our lives, the same formals we were proud to strut in during the induction slowly constricted us and some of us couldn’t wait for the weekends to arrive to breathe freely in a pair of jeans, t-shirt and a pair of chappals...

Projects, presentations, assignments, tests, vivas were thrust upon us every other day and we barely got a chance to breathe during an off day which existed only in the time-table on the notice board...

We all have had many new experiences both as individuals and as groups but what binds us is the fact that we were and still are all in it together...What follows is just a list of certain things we want to remember and certain things we can’t wait to forget about life at MET...

Things we want to remember

Things we definitely want to forget

Some professors for truly making us feel that we are in a B-school.

Some professors who forgot about the B in the B-school.

Friends who brought out the best in us.

Some people who brought out the worst versions of ourselves.

Prompt availability of all the required photo copies at the Xerox centre in a timely manner.

Hundreds of rupees spent on the same photocopies which were sometimes untouched even during the most desperate of times.

Projects which made us feel as if had conquered the world which was unfortunately a rarity.

Projects which made us think, “What the hell and why on earth am I doing this?” which was I guess for every other project.

Pleasure at finding a seat in the canteen for  every person in the herd we used to move in.

Displeasure at finding freebies such as cockroaches and hair in the canteen food.

MET Utsav- for the time pass we got to do in the name of volunteering, participating and cheering.

Lost matches, on stage goof ups etc...

Industrial visits which we most definitely ensured turned into a mini-vacation.

Scams and scandals that happened during those visits.

The rare occasions when we would get to watch a business news channel on the TV in the canteen.

The unfortunate times (which were most of the times) when we were subjected to “BREAKING NEWS” such as “A Crow playing a football” or any news related to the Bachchans, the Khans etc...


Ups and downs, highs and lows, mundane and exciting; life at MET has been nothing short of an amazing journey. As we conclude our MBA and as I conclude my post I just want to wish all of you the very best for the rest of your life J


Joanne D'Souza said…
Well... even if some day you get bored of blogging (which i hope doesnt ever happen), pls dont delete the blog.. Because, on the days that i want relive my "MBA days", your words can be my time-machine... Reading your descriptions was like actually having an-out-of-body-experience and looking down at all of us doing/feeling all of it!! especially the first 2 paras... i usually take the easy way out n describe tat episode as "mixed emotions" coz i've never been able to find ALL the right words to describe ALL those feelings...
Yogesh said…
As Jo said, this post wud prove 2 b a time-less wonder...
Wenever I wud hav 2 refer 2 wat I did in my MBA days...I wud audit the accounts of METlife maintained on ur blog...tallying the balance sheet of memories...with good ones on Assets side and bad ones on Liablities side...and I am sure, P&L a/c wud hav items only on credit side...

Smita...ur post wud help me to maintain financial discipline in this matter also :-)
Unknown said…
hmm... "Scams and scandals that happened during those visits"...
I'm sure most people would not want to forget those ;)

On a serious note, u've summarized our days at MET fabulously.
It will be interesting to keep track of how things change when all of us are not "in it together" anymore...
and then maybe we'll read ur blog to relive "The Good Old Days".

All the best to u too...
Anonymous said…
"...we barely got a chance to breathe during an off day which existed only in the time-table on the notice board..."
How true!!
That was a nice summary of the time when u MET life. ;)
Abhijeet said…
hey,u brought all those memories back especially those days of first year ...
those spl comments by our classmates in some boring lectures which made those late evening lectures tolerable...
those rediculous doubts raised by some classmates....
and some surprising replies given by some to professor's qustions . ...
those Bday celebrations...
and yes some really gudd people whom we got to meet here :)...
More Things I (& probably u) may want 2 remember in addition to those u mentioned
1.The Outing we did in these 2 yrs. Bandstand, Juhu beach, Dadar beach, etc.
2.सुंदर कन्याए
3.Hangout at Tapari (a small Pan-Bidi shop) near college
4.Cricket matches on the TV in canteen

More Things I ( & probably u) may want 2 forget in addition to those u mentioned
1.Many plans of outings which failed
2.सुंदर कन्याए used 2 be with other guys.
3.The way my friends used to fog me by smoking at Tapari
4. TV used be off sometimes

U really used to read that notice board? I never did it.

But It’s a really nice blog as it stores our past memories. Imagine 10 years later u r reading the same blog with ur kid in 1 hand & the mouse (not rat) in another. Wouldn’t that be a thrilling experience?

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