Break Free!
We are control freaks by nature...No matter how much one denies...We are...We like to believe that we have some sense of hold over every aspect of our lives...Family, friends, career, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, kids...everything!!!
We want to KNOW everything and stay within the confines of our COMFORT ZONE so that we FEEL we are in control. Ironically this need for control gets even more pronounced when one is provided with independence, choices, freedom...the works!!! Seems strange??? Think about it!
While I am a stickler for discipline and freedom with responsibility I sometimes can’t help but think why should a person know all the time where he’s headed for in life...why can’t for once he/she throw caution to the winds and go with the flow...while we may not always be presented with an opportunity to do so nor can we sometimes afford the risks that come along; we can however in some insignificant ways lose the sense of control, get out of our comfort zones and hand over our lives to the unknown forces around us for may be just a while...Here’s how:
1) This one is inspired from a friend’s blog, the next time you are listening to your mp3 player instead of you choosing a song for yourself let the player decide for you...Ask yourself any random question or think of any random person before a song begins...You’ll be surprised at the kind of insights it can give you...
2) Go to a library, pick up any title that interests you but you don’t necessarily want to read and flip through the book and come across a random page and a random line...Again you may just be amazed at the connection that one line has to any part of your life...
3) Close your eyes and flip through the contacts in your cell-phone, maybe you’ll come across the number of a long-lost friend, an acquaintance who you haven’t been in touch with for a while...Make that call or send a message...You never know how that call could change your life...
You truly will be amazed at the kind of insights, revelations, associations that can up when you handover your life to something as insignificant as a music player, a book, a cell-phone etc...That’s why when destiny has a plan for you it is something that makes you break the shackles of your comfort level, makes you reach greater heights than you thought was possible, unleash the dormant potential and see the world you didn’t know exists...Happy Exploring!
Besides loosing self-control for temporary time...there are few things in our life...where we cant exercise any control...If we face those situations/problems the way u hav advised here...may be, we will hav less difficulties while dealing wid them...
P.S. another solution that is my personal fave to this problem (which m sure u know all about) is having conversations with total strangers!!
GR8 job BABES ;) 8)
The 2nd point is typically YOU! I have seen numerous times when you have picked up a book, browsed through the pages, stopped at a page & got excited about what you discovered!
again.. a wonderful post, Smita!
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